About Peter van Leer

I love being on the move, hiking, nature, freedom and waking up to a different view every day.  During multi day hikes I feel my best, or get to feeling my best again.

And exactly this is what everybody should be able to experience and why I started Personal Journey-companion.

Mountains and hills are where you’ll often find me. Apart from on foot I view them from above the last 18 years or so with my paraglider, alone or – even better – sharing the experience with a passenger on my tandem glider.

Recent hikes

National park Queyras in the French Alps (picture on homepage), National park Val Grande in the Italian Alps and the Sierra de las Nieves in Andalucia, Spain. I combined RV, tent and mountainhuts, both simple and luxurious ones.

Travelguide on walking holidays

For some twenty years I have guided hiking holidays to Scotland, Norway, France, Germany and Belgium. Both from campsites and from (farm)hotels.
Apart from being the driver I was the guide during the walks and responsible for all going well and everybody being happy.
In the Scottish Highlands I roamed a lot on my own, carrying food for up to a week, and once I took a group on two multiday treks.

Personal journey-companion because…

Among other things I do not like working  for a boss too much. I love to be connected with nature and sharing that makes me happy.  And I like to, how to say this, make people happy and to be at service to them. Without losing my idiosyncrasy,  cannot help that 😉

I am from 1961 en been through the necessary ups and downs in life. 2018 is the year that I am doing a study to become a nature coach. It will  bring some more useful luggage to take with me.

Home (wish) and relation

I live in the small university town of Groningen in the Netherlands. Since 2009 I am in a relationship with Dity who owns her own  practice as a massage therapist: Praktijk Calendula. She is great!

My big wish is to own a dwelling in the mountains of Andalucia, Spain with enough space for people to come over. Go out for walks. Also cultural there is so much to see. And it is a beautiful place in winter to coach people.

And who wants a very special experience can join me in a flight with my  tandem paraglider. Join the thermals with vultures and see the mountains from above (turn volume down and on full screen, this was during a flight near Ronda, beginning of december):