Coaching in nature

Your coachingtrajectory is short and goal oriented. Still we take our time. Nature plays its roles as a healing, soothing and nourishing environment, and as a source of metaphors and symbols. After an intake / introductory session, we take four sessions of one and a half to two hours to walk, talk, become calm, do in-depth exercises and share insights and let them sink in.

Natuur coaching slotsessie
Natuur coaching sessie

The coaching in nature trajectory

  1. Intake/introductory
    This is both an introduction and a full coaching session in which we explore your situation, so that we can make a flying start at session 1. If you decide not to proceed, I will charge € 95.00 (for the current offer up to the beginning of 2018 € 40.00).
  2. Written intake by email
    Adress details and the like.
  3. Session 1
    Becoming aware and investigating your coaching question. And taking a first look at the ‘gap’ between your desire and your current situation. Why aren’t you yet where you want to be?
  4. Session 2
    Further investigation into the obstacles that prevent you from getting where you want to be. In symbolic actions you reject your main obstacle and fully embrace your wish. The latter is the start of the movement of what hinders you from what can flow.
  5. Session 3
    Je zielskwaliteiten (van nature aanwezige kwaliteiten) en andere ondersteunende middelen inventariseren en je eigen maken. Hier wordt je blij van!
    To make an inventory of your soul qualities (naturally present qualities) and other support resources and to make them your own. This will makes you happy!
  6. Session 4
    You are make a practical translation into how you can continue after the coaching, how you can integrate insights into your life. How you get into action and what actions you are going to take.
  7. Feedback
    After a month or two we look back over the telephone or via email to see how it went with your actions and intention.
  8. Vliegen
    Ik ben paraglider-tandempiloot. Als het je aanspreekt kunnen we de coaching op bijzondere wijze afsluiten met een vlucht boven Nederland (april-september). Aan een lier worden we tot maximaal een meter of 500 opgetrokken. Langzaam zweven we in een paar minuten weer naar beneden. Met wat geluk pakken we onderweg wat thermiek en kunnen we hoogte winnen en de vlucht verlengen. (Meerprijs € 40,-.)
    To fly
    I am a paraglider tandem pilot. If it appeals to you, we can close the coaching in a special way with a flight over the Netherlands (April-September). We are pulled up by winch to a maximum of 500 meters. Gradually we sail down again in a few minutes. With some luck we find some thermals on the way and we can gain height and extend the flight. (Supplement of € 40, -.)


  • A place of great natural beauty is the National stream and esdorp landscape Drentsche Aa. Get into a beautiful bed & breakfast or hotel there for five days – alone or with your partner or a friend – and get your coachingsessions daily. You are out of the bustle of your daily life and get a full coaching in one!
  • In and around Groningen there are several locations like Landgoed (estate) Vosbergen near Eelde. It has a forest with century old beech and oak and pinetrees, open places, ponds and nice vistas.


€ 535,- inclusive of btw (Dutch vat) | € 250,- till january 31 2019

One-(wo)man businesses
€ 535,- exclusive of btw (Dutch vat) | € 250,- till january 31 2019
Enscription in Dutch chamber of commerce (KvK) needed

Businesses Most interesting
€ 700,- exclusive of btw (Dutch vat) | € 400,- till january 31 2019
For employees of companies
Reimbursement via, for example, your employer